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Giorgio de Chirico Hero Image

Generali Deutschland

Giorgio de Chirico

The request

Design and develop a mini-site dedicated to the Magical Reality exhibition featuring Giorgio de Chirico, hosted at the Kunsthalle museum in Hamburg, Germany, sponsored by Generali Deutschland.

The challenge

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the exhibition was unable to open as planned. The museum's sponsor and longstanding supporter of cultural initiatives, Generali Deutschland, wanted a solution to enable access to the exhibition - hence the proposal to implement a unique digital experience.

The insight

AR and VR had not fully gained traction until the arrival of the pandemic. Generali was among the first to recognize the potential application of these new technologies in the museum context, managing to even capture audiences further removed from its primary target.

The outcome

In collaboration with the exhibition curator, we designed a virtual exhibition experience, showcasing the different paintings on display and guiding visitors through the works on show.